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from san francisco's largest and most toxic artificial island

10 August 2001 - Treasure Island Experiment stories cover the City, the Island, our House, Travel, and somewhat inexplicably, Technology. I write what people read.

Anime Summertime, Manga and the Mysterious Flow August 10, 2001
Well shoot, it's already the tenth of August, which means Mac OS 10.1 is less than seven weeks away and that shortly, thousands of kids will start school, hopefully slowing the tide of children baking in unattended vehicles.

Mad Losing It In the New Millennium July 16, 2001
My mother often warned I'd loose my head if it wasn't attached. The New Millennium has ushered in a great fulfillment of her prophesy: one that involves Palm Pilots, Kaiser, UNUM and Trek bicycles.

Slash The Great Catchup July 12, 2001
Fear not: this article has nothing to do with food. I just thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know what's been going on over the last couple months.

the alps Archive of articles: Q2 2001

Stories from April to June 2001

media circus Archive of articles: Q1 2001

Stories from January to March 2001
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